Naranjas Moderno Dormitorio Alfombras

Dark Terracotta Enrejado Alfombra

Orange and Red Moroccan Trellis Alfombra

Rust Red Kashkuli Gabbeh Alfombra

Peach and Salmon Ribbon Indoor / Outdoor Alfombra

157cm x 250cm Hand Knotted Kashkuli Gabbeh Wool Alfombra

102cm x 190cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

107cm x 198cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

195cm x 300cm Hand Knotted Darya Wool Alfombra

112cm x 188cm Hand Knotted Moroccan Wool Alfombra

117cm x 200cm Hand Knotted Moroccan Wool Alfombra

150cm x 205cm Hand Knotted Darya Wool Alfombra

122cm x 183cm Hand Knotted Darya Wool Alfombra

102cm x 188cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra